MSc J. Lee

PhD student
Electronic Instrumentation (EI), Department of Microelectronics

Expertise: Data converter, CMOS image sensor

Themes: CMOS Image Sensors


Jaekyum Lee was born in 12nd July, 1986 in Seoul, Korea. He received the B.S degree in 2011 from Korea University, Seoul, Korea and the Master degree in 2013 from KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, respectively. For his Master thesis, he worked on SAR ADC which has extremely low power consumption. From 2013, he had worked for Samsung Electronics, Hwasung, Korea. During working for company, he designed CMOS image sensor for mobile phone and automotive. Since September 2018, Jaekyum has been a Ph.D candidate in the Electronic Instrumentation Laboratory at TU Delft, where he continues working on CMOS image sensor.


  1. An Output Bandwidth Optimized 200-Gb/s PAM-4 100-Gb/s NRZ Transmitter With 5-Tap FFE in 28-nm CMOS
    Wang, Z.; Choi, M.; Lee, K.; Park, K.; Liu, Z.; Biswas, A.; Han, J.; Du, S.; Alon, E.;
    IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
    Volume 57, Issue 1, pp. 21-31, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2021.3109562

  2. A Ring-Oscillator Sub-Sampling PLL With Hybrid Loop Using Generator-Based Design Flow
    Wang, Z.; Choi, M.; Wright, J.; Lee, K.; Liu, Z.; Yin, B.; Han, J.; Du, S.; Alon, E.;
    In 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS),
    pp. 2881-2885, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/ISCAS48785.2022.9937615

  3. A 200Gb/s PAM-4 Transmitter with Hybrid Sub-Sampling PLL in 28nm CMOS Technology
    Wang, Z.; Choi, M.; Kwon, P.; Lee, K.; Yin, B.; Liu, Z.; Park, K.; Biswas, A.; Han, J.; Du, S.; Alon, E.;
    In 2022 IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits (VLSI Technology and Circuits),
    pp. 34-35, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/VLSITechnologyandCir46769.2022.9830237

  4. A 5800 μm2 Resistor-based Temperature Sensor with a one-point Trimmed 3σ Inaccuracy of ±1.1 °C from −50 to 105 °C in 65 nm CMOS
    Y-T Lee; W. Choi; T. Kim; S. Song; K. Makinwa; Y. Chae;
    IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters,
    Volume 2, pp. 67-70, 10 2019. DOI: 10.1109/LSSC.2019.2937441
    Abstract: ... This letter describes a compact resistor-based temperature sensor intended for the thermal monitoring of microprocessors and DRAMs. It consists of an RC poly phase filter (PPF) that is read out by a frequency-locked loop (FLL) based on a dual zero-crossing (ZC) detection scheme. The sensor, fabricated in 65-nm CMOS, occupies 5800 μm 2 and achieves moderate accuracy [±1.2 °C (3σ)] over a wide temperature range (-50 °C to 105 °C) after a one-point trim. This is 2x better than the previous compact resistor-based sensors. Operating from 0.85 to 1.3-V supplies, it consumes 32.5-μA and achieves 2.8-mK resolution in a 1-ms conversion time, which corresponds to a resolution FoM of 0.26 pJ·K 2.

  5. A 5800 μm2 Resistor-based Temperature Sensor with a one-point Trimmed 3σ Inaccuracy of ±1.1 °C from −50 to 105 °C in 65 nm CMOS
    Y-T Lee; W. Choi; T. Kim; S. Song; K. Makinwa; Y. Chae;
    In Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
    9 2019. DOI: 10.1109/ESSCIRC.2019.8902650

  6. 10b 1MS/s column parallel SAR ADC for high speed CMOS image sensors with offset compensation technique using analog summation method
    Jaekyum Lee; Albert Theuwissen;
    In Scientific CMOS Image Sensors Workshop,
    Toulouse, November 2019.

  7. A Compact Resistor-Based CMOS Temperature Sensor With an Inaccuracy of 0.12 °C (3σ) and a Resolution FoM of 0.43 pJ⋅K^2 in 65-nm CMOS
    W. Choi; Y. Lee; S. Kim; S. Lee; J. Jang; J. Chun; K. A. A. Makinwa; Y. Chae;
    IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
    Volume 53, Issue 12, pp. 3356-3367, 12 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2871622
    Abstract: ... This paper presents a compact resistor-based CMOS temperature sensor intended for dense thermal monitoring. It is based on an RC poly-phase filter (PPF), whose temperature-dependent phase shift is read out by a frequency-locked loop (FLL). The PPF's phase shift is determined by a zero-crossing (ZC) detector, allowing the rest of the FLL to be realized in an area-efficient manner. Implemented in a 65-nm CMOS technology, the sensor occupies only 7000 μm². It can operate from supply voltages as low as 0.85 V and consumes 68 μW. A sensor based on a PPF made from silicided p-poly resistors and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors achieves an inaccuracy of ±0.12 °C (3σ) from -40 °C to 85 °C and a resolution of 2.5 mK (rms) in a 1-ms conversion time. This corresponds to a resolution figure-of-merit (FoM) of 0.43 pJ·K².

  8. A Compact Resistor-Based CMOS Temperature Sensor With an Inaccuracy of 0.12 °C (3σ) and a Resolution FoM of 0.43 pJ⋅K^2 in 65-nm CMOS
    W. Choi; Y. Lee; S. Kim; S. Lee; J. Jang; J. Chun; K. A. A. Makinwa; Y. Chae;
    IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits,
    Volume 53, Issue 12, pp. 3356-3367, 12 2018. DOI: 10.1109/JSSC.2018.2871622
    Abstract: ... This paper presents a compact resistor-based CMOS temperature sensor intended for dense thermal monitoring. It is based on an RC poly-phase filter (PPF), whose temperature-dependent phase shift is read out by a frequency-locked loop (FLL). The PPF's phase shift is determined by a zero-crossing (ZC) detector, allowing the rest of the FLL to be realized in an area-efficient manner. Implemented in a 65-nm CMOS technology, the sensor occupies only 7000 μm². It can operate from supply voltages as low as 0.85 V and consumes 68 μW. A sensor based on a PPF made from silicided p-poly resistors and metal-insulator-metal (MIM) capacitors achieves an inaccuracy of ±0.12 °C (3σ) from -40 °C to 85 °C and a resolution of 2.5 mK (rms) in a 1-ms conversion time. This corresponds to a resolution figure-of-merit (FoM) of 0.43 pJ·K².

  9. A 0.53pJK2 7000μm2 resistor-based temperature sensor with an inaccuracy of ±0.35°C (3σ) in 65nm CMOS
    W. Choi; Y.T. Lee; S. Kim; S. Lee; J. Jang; J. Chun; K.A.A. Makinwa; Y. Chae;
    In Dig. Techn. Papers IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
    pp. 322-324, 2 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2018.8310314

  10. A 0.53pJK2 7000μm2 resistor-based temperature sensor with an inaccuracy of ±0.35°C (3σ) in 65nm CMOS
    W. Choi; Y.T. Lee; S. Kim; S. Lee; J. Jang; J. Chun; K.A.A. Makinwa; Y. Chae;
    In Dig. Techn. Papers IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC),
    pp. 322-324, 2 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ISSCC.2018.8310314

  11. A 3 ppm 1.5 x 0.8 mm2 1.0 µA 32.768 kHz MEMS-based oscillator
    S. Zaliasl; J.C. Salvia; G.C. Hill; L. Chen; K. Joo; R. Palwai; N. Arumugam; M. Phadke; S. Mukherjee; HC Lee; C Grosjean; PM Hagelin; S Pamarti; TS Fiez; K.A.A. Makinwa; A. Partridge; V. Menon;
    IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
    Volume 50, Issue 1, pp. 291-302, 2015. Available online 3-11-2014.

  12. A 0.02mm2 Embedded Temperature Sensor with ±2°C Inaccuracy for Self-Refresh Control in 25nm Mobile DRAM
    Y.Y. Kim; W. Choi; J. Kim; S. Lee; S Lee; H. Kim; K.A.A. Makinwa; Y. Chae; TW Kim;
    In W Pribyl; F Dielacher; G Hueber (Ed.), Proc. European Solid-State Circuits Conference (ESSCIRC),
    IEEE, pp. 267-270, 2015.

  13. A 1.55×0.85mm2 3ppm 1.0μA 32.768kHz MEMS-based oscillator
    S.Z. Asl; S. Mukherjee; W. Chen; Kimo Joo; R. Palwai; N. Arumugam; P. Galle; M. Phadke; C Grosjean; J.C. Salvia; H Lee; S Pamarti; TS Fiez; K.A.A. Makinwa; A. Partridge; V. Menon;
    In LC Fujino; J Anderson; {et al} (Ed.), Digest of Technical Papers - 2014 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference,
    IEEE, pp. 226-227, 2014. Harvest Session 12. Sensors, MEMS and Displays 12.9.

  14. A 240-frames/s 2.1-Mpixel CMOS image sensor with columnshared cyclic adc's
    S. Lim; J. Cheon; Y. Chae; W. Jung; D.H. Lee; M. Kwon; S. Yoo; S. Ham; G. Han;
    IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
    Volume 46, Issue 9, pp. 2073-2083, 2011.

  15. A 2.1 M pixels, 120 frame/s CMOS image sensor with column-parallel ¿¿ ADC Architecture
    Y. Chae; J. Cheon; S. Lim; M. Kwon; K. Yoo; W. Jung; D.H. Lee; S. Ham; G. Han;
    IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
    Volume 46, Issue 1, pp. 236-247, 2011.

  16. A 2.1 Mpixel 120 frames/s CMOS image sensor with column parallel ¿¿ ADC architecture
    Y. Chae; J. Cheon; S. Lim; D. Lee; M. Kwon; K. Yoo; W. Jung; D.H. Lee; S. Ham; G. Han;
    In U Moon (Ed.), IEEE International Solid State Circuits Conference,
    IEEE, pp. 394-395, 2011.

  17. Apparatus and method for sigma-delta analog to digital conversion
    Y. Chae; I. Lee; J. Cheon; S. Ham; G. Han;

  18. Apparatus and method for sigma-delta analog to digital conversion
    Y. Chae; I. Lee; J. Cheon; S. Ham; G. Han;
    Patent, US 7,916,061, 2011.

  19. A single-chip CMOS smoke and temperature sensor for an intelligent fire detector
    J. Cheon; J. Lee; I. Lee; Y. Chae; Y. yoo; G. Han;
    IEEE Sensors Journal,
    Volume 9, Issue 8, pp. 914-921, 2009.

  20. Smart CMOS image sensor with high SBR and subpixel resolution for light-selection-based range finding
    J. Cheon; Y. Chae; D. Kim; S. Lim; I. Lee; K. Lee; D.J. Kim; G. Han;
    IEEE Electron Device Letters,
    Volume 56, Issue 11, pp. 2546-2555, 2009.

  21. An interference rejection filter for an ultra-wideband quadrature downconversion autocorrelation receiver
    S. Bagga; S.A.P. Haddad; K. van Hartingsveldt; SS. Lee; W.A. Serdijn; J.R. Long;
    In s.n. (Ed.), Proceedings of IEEE international symposium on circuits and systems (ISCAS 2005),
    IEEE, pp. 5357-5360, 2005. Editor onbekend JH.

  22. A quadrature downconversion autocorrelation receiver architecture for UWB
    SS. Lee; S. Bagga; W.A. Serdijn;
    s.n., , pp. 1-5, 2004. ed. isniet bekend.

  23. FEM study on the dependence of resonant frequency shift on mechanical stress of thin film resonator
    SS. Lee; R. Kazinczi; J.R. Mollinger; M.J. Vellekoop; A. Bossche;
    In SAFE - ProRISC - SeSens 2001: proceedings. Semiconductor Advances for Fututre Electronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 817-820, 2001.

  24. Photodiode structures to measure the shape of particles and cells
    J.H. Nieuwenhuis; SS. Lee; J. Bastemeijer; A. Bossche; M.J. Vellekoop;
    In SAFE - ProRISC - SeSens 2001: proceedings. Semiconductor Advances for Future Electronics - Program for Research on Integrated Systems and Circuits - Semiconductor Sensor and Actuator Technology,
    STW Technology Foundation, pp. 839-842, 2001.

  25. Particle-shape sensing-elements for integrated flow cytometer
    J.H. Nieuwenhuis; SS. Lee; J. Bastemeijer; M.J. Vellekoop;
    In {JM Ramsey}; {A Berg}, {van den} (Ed.), Proceedings,
    Kluwer, pp. 357-358, 2001.

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Last updated: 14 Nov 2022